
8077|PVC|Colorite 物性表: 8077|PVC|Colorite物性表及特性介绍,8077|PVC|Colorite注塑参数详情,如需8077|PVC|Colorite下载, 可到相关下载区下载

加工/物理特性值(Value)单位(Unit)测试标准(Test Standard)
密度(Density) (73°F)1240kg/m³ASTM D 792
机械性能(机械性能(Mechanical properties))值(Value)单位(Unit)测试标准(Test Standard)
抗拉强度(Tensile Strength)17.9MPaASTM D 638
Modulus at 100% Elongation9.83MPaASTM D 412
Shore A Hardness80-ASTM D 2240
CharacteristicsProcessingOther ExtrusionAdditivesPlasticizerApplicationsMedicalRegional AvailabilityNorth America, Europe, Asia PacificDisclaimerCopyright M-Base Engineering+Software GmbH. M-Base Engineering + Software GmbH assumes no liability for the system to be free of errors. The user takes sole responsibility for the use of this data under the exclusion of every liability from M-Base; this is especially valid for claims of compensation resulting from consequential damages. M-Base explicitly points out that any decision about the application of materials must be double checked with the producer of this material. This includes all contents of this system. Copyright laws are applicable for the content of this system.

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本文链接: http://www.su-jiao.com/wuxingbiao/show-76582.html

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