Maxxam™ FR PP Concentrate 4|PP|PolyOne

Maxxam™ FR PP Concentrate 4|PP|PolyOne 物性表: Maxxam™ FR PP Concentrate 4|PP|PolyOne物性表及特性介绍,Maxxam™ FR PP Concentrate 4|PP|PolyOne注塑参数详情,如需Maxxam™ FR PP Concentrate 4|PP|PolyOne下载, 可到相关下载区下载

Product TextsMaxxam™ FR flame-retardant polyolefin compounds and masterbatches meet stringent flammability performance requirements defined by industry agencies, including Underwriters Laboratories UL 94 V-2, V-0, and 5VA performance ratings. In addition, many compounds in the Maxxam FR portfolio offer elevated Relative Thermal Index (RTI) ratings.MAXXAM FR PP Concentrate 4 is designed to impart good flame retardancy to polypropylene homopolymer as well as co-polymer. The letdown ratios will vary from one grade of polypropylene to another. When this concentrate is letdown at the proper ratio the resulting materials can achieve flame retardancy equivalent to the requirements of the UL-94 V-2 or VTM-2. Typical starting points for formulation range from 10-15% by weight PP Concentrate 4. Products manufactured with PP Concentrate 4 will be low or no bloom.
加工/物理特性值(Value)单位(Unit)测试标准(Test Standard)
密度(Density) (73°F)1320kg/m³ASTM D 792
CharacteristicsDelivery formPelletsSpecial CharacteristicsFlame retardantFeaturesNon BloomingRegional AvailabilityNorth America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South and Central America,.

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