Ultramid® 8254 HS BK 102|PA6|BASF

Ultramid® 8254 HS BK 102|PA6|BASF 物性表: Ultramid® 8254 HS BK 102|PA6|BASF物性表及特性介绍,Ultramid® 8254 HS BK 102|PA6|BASF注塑参数详情,如需Ultramid® 8254 HS BK 102|PA6|BASF下载, 可到相关下载区下载

Product TextsUltramid® 8254 HS is a highly flexible, heat stabilized, impact modified Polyamid 6 extrusion grade for tubing applications. It is also available in pigmented versions.
机械性能(机械性能(Mechanical properties))dry / cond单位(Unit)测试标准(Test Standard)
拉伸模量(Tensile Modulus)875 / 460MPaISO 527-1/-2
屈服应力(Yield stress)34 / 28MPaISO 527-1/-2
屈服应变(Yield strain)7 / 30%ISO 527-1/-2
断裂拉伸应变(Nominal strain at break)>50 / >50%ISO 527-1/-2
热性能(热性能(Thermal properties))dry / cond单位(Unit)测试标准(Test Standard)
熔化温度(熔化温度(Melting temperature)) (10°C/min)220 / *°CISO 11357-1/-3
温度负荷变形(Temp. of deflection under load) (1.80 MPa)43 / *°CISO 75-1/-2
COEFF线性热(Coeff. of linear therm. expansion) (parallel)93 / *E-6/KISO 11359-1/-2
COEFF线性热(Coeff. of linear therm. expansion) (normal)111 / *E-6/KISO 11359-1/-2
燃烧性(球压痕硬度(Burning behav)). at thickness hHB / *classIEC 60695-11-10
厚度测试(Thickness tested)3.0 / *mmIEC 60695-11-10
UL 识别(recognition)UL / *--
电气性能(Electrical properties)dry / cond单位(Unit)测试标准(Test Standard)
体积电阻率(Volume resistivity)>1E13 / -Ohm*mIEC 60093
其他属性(Other properties)dry / cond单位(Unit)测试标准(Test Standard)
吸水率(Water absorption)7.1 / *%Sim. to ISO 62
吸湿性(Humidity absorption)2 / *%Sim. to ISO 62
密度(Density)1070 / *kg/m³ISO 1183
Test specimen production值(Value)单位(Unit)测试标准(Test Standard)
Injection Molding, melt temperature280°CISO 294
Injection Molding, mold temperature70°CISO 10724
Diagrams Water content: 0.1%If drying becomes necessary, a dehumidifying or desiccant dryer operating at 65 degC (149 degF) is recommended.Drying time is 5:1 to 4.0:1 1.5-2.0:1In general, the ratio of die size to finished tube diameter is about 1.5-2.0:1.The mandrel (pin) size is determined the same way in relation to the inner tube diameter.5mm and below.For larger diameters, a differential pressure vacuumThe vacuum sizer entrance should be about 3-9% larger than the finished tube outer diameter. Selection will depend on melt viscosity and die swell of the extrudate.5mm (.37") O.D., open tank quenching with normal tap water is suggested.Depending upon line speed, quenching distance can var5 to 12 meters (24.6-39.4 feet).A short air gap (die to quench water) is recommended for both tubing and cable jacketing for best flexibility.DisclaimerCopyright M-Base .

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