Eastman Spectar|PETG|Eastman

Eastman Spectar|PETG|Eastman 物性表: Eastman Spectar|PETG|Eastman物性表及特性介绍,Eastman Spectar|PETG|Eastman注塑参数详情,如需Eastman Spectar|PETG|Eastman下载, 可到相关下载区下载

Product TextsApplication/Uses It can be extruded into sheets as thick as 12 mm (1/2 in.). It extrudes at a low temperature and will not crystallize or develop a crystalline haze. Cleaning solutions will not turn Eastman Spectar copolyester white. It is easy to fabricate, allowing greater design freedom. It can be laser cut, routed, welded, drilled, die-punched, bent hot or cold, or joined by screws, rivets, or bolts. It can also be cut on conventional table, band, or radial-arm saws with blades commonly used for plastic. Spectar copolyester can be vacuum formed at lower temperatures than other plastics without predrying the sheet. Eastman Spectar copolyester can be finished easily. Its edges can be polished by using commercial edge-finishing equipment, sanding, solvents, flamepolishing or buffing. It forms clear, strong bonds with commercially available cements and solvents. It accepts screen-printing, painting, and hot-stamping easily. Surface scratches or scuff marks can be removed using a common heat gun.
加工/物理特性值(Value)单位(Unit)测试标准(Test Standard)
密度(Density) (73°F)1270kg/m³ASTM D 792
吸水率(Water Absorption) (24hr)0.2%ASTM D 570
机械性能(机械性能(Mechanical properties))值(Value)单位(Unit)测试标准(Test Standard)
拉伸模量(Tensile Modulus)2200MPaISO 527-1/-2
屈服应力(Yield stress)53MPaISO 527-1/-2
屈服应变(Yield strain)4.7%ISO 527-1/-2
破坏时应变(Stress at break)26MPaISO 527-1/-2
破坏时应变(Strain at break)40%ISO 527-1/-2
简支梁冲击强度(Charpy impact strength) (+23°C)NkJ/m²ISO 179/1eU
简支梁缺口冲击强度(Charpy notched impact strength) (+23°C)10kJ/m²ISO 179/1eA
简支梁缺口冲击强度(Charpy notched impact strength) (-30°C)3.3kJ/m²ISO 179/1eA
Puncture energy (+23°C)59JISO 6603-2
Puncture energy (-30°C)74JISO 6603-2
弯曲弹性模量(Flexural modulus) (23°C)2100MPaISO 178
悬臂梁式冲击切口 (23°C)11.5kJ/m²ISO 180/1A
悬臂梁式冲击切口4.4kJ/m²ISO 180/1A
温度(Temperature)-30°CISO 180/1A
拉伸模量(Tensile Modulus)2206.32MPaASTM D 638
抗拉强度(Tensile Strength) at Yield53.1MPaASTM D 638
抗拉强度(Tensile Strength) at Break26.2MPaASTM D 638
屈服伸长率(Elongation at Yield)4.8%ASTM D 638
断裂伸长率(Elongation at Break)50%ASTM D 638
弯曲弹性模量(弯曲弹性模量(Flexural Modulus))2137.37MPaASTM D 790
抗弯强度(Flexural Strength)77.2MPaASTM D 790
洛氏硬度(Rockwell Hardness)R115-ASTM D 785
悬臂梁式冲击切口 (1/8 in)0.0907kJ/mASTM D 256
悬臂梁式冲击切口 (Low-温度(Temperature))0.0374kJ/mASTM D 256
温度(Temperature)-30°CASTM D 256
热性能(热性能(Thermal properties))值(Value)单位(Unit)测试标准(Test Standard)
温度负荷变形(Temp. of deflection under load) (1.80 MPa)68°CISO 75-1/-2
温度负荷变形(Temp. of deflection under load) (0.45 MPa)72°CISO 75-1/-2
维卡软化温度(50℃/ h的50N)Vicat softening temperature78°CISO 306
Burning behav. at 1.5 mm nom. thickn.V-2classIEC 60695-11-10
UL 94 阻燃等级(Flame rating)V-2-UL 94
热膨胀系数(Coefficient of Thermal Expansion) (MD)72E-6/KASTM D 696
DTUL @ 66 psi73.3°CASTM D 648
DTUL @ 264 psi69.4°CASTM D 648
Vicat 温度(Temperature)82.8°CASTM D 1525
极限氧指数(Limiting 氧指数(Oxygen Index))26%ASTM D 2863
电气性能(Electrical properties)值(Value)单位(Unit)测试标准(Test Standard)
绝缘强度(Dielectric Strength) (Short Time)16.1kV/mmASTM D 149
耗散因数(Dissipation Factor) (1 MHz)0.02-ASTM D 150
介电常数(Dielectric Constant) (1 MHz)2.4-ASTM D 150
表面电阻率(Surface Resistivity)>1E15OhmASTM D 257
体积电阻率(Volume Resistivity)1E15Ohm*cmASTM D 257
耐电弧性(Arc Resistance)158sASTM D 495
其他属性(Other properties)值(Value)单位(Unit)测试标准(Test Standard)
吸水率(Water absorption)0.2%Sim. to ISO 62
密度(Density)1270kg/m³ISO 1183
Optical properties值(Value)单位(Unit)测试标准(Test Standard)
Gloss159-ASTM D 2457
Haze1%ASTM D 1003
Light Transmittance91%ASTM D 1003
Index of Refraction1.57-ASTM D 542
CharacteristicsProcessingSheet Extrusion, ThermoformingSpecial CharacteristicsHigh impact or impact modifiedFeaturesLow Odor, WeldableChemical ResistanceGeneral Chemical ResistanceRegional AvailabilityNorth America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South and Central America,.

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