Evoprene™ 047|TPS|AlphaGary

Evoprene™ 047|TPS|AlphaGary 物性表: Evoprene™ 047|TPS|AlphaGary物性表及特性介绍,Evoprene™ 047|TPS|AlphaGary注塑参数详情,如需Evoprene™ 047|TPS|AlphaGary下载, 可到相关下载区下载

Product TextsNote: mechanical properties were originally reported according to ISO 37. Comparison with data according ISO 527 seems to be acceptable in this case. It cannot be assumed that these data cover all uses, applications or conditions in connection with this material. Accordingly, AlphaGary makes no warranty, expressed or implied, that the product conforms to these data.Each customer or user of AlphaGary's materials is solely responsible for determining the suitability of the material(s) selected for the intended application. Each customer or user must conduct its own studies and gain all necessary approvals and certifications as required for the intended finished product. Customer shall not copy, reverse engineer, analyze or have analyzed AlphaGary's compounds or allow others to do so.
机械性能(机械性能(Mechanical properties))值(Value)单位(Unit)测试标准(Test Standard)
抗拉强度(Tensile Strength)3.3MPaISO 527-1/-2
破坏时应变(Strain at break)910%ISO 527-1/-2
Stress at 100% elongation1.2MPaISO 527-1/-2
压缩设置下的恒应变(Compression Set under constant strain) (23°C)19%ISO 815
抗拉强度(撕裂强度(Tear strength))21kN/mISO 34-1
邵尔A硬度(Shore A hardness) (3s)36-ISO 868
其他属性(Other properties)值(Value)单位(Unit)测试标准(Test Standard)
密度(Density)1000kg/m³ISO 1183
CharacteristicsProcessingInjection MoldingChemical ResistanceOzone ResistanceRegional AvailabilityNorth America, EuropeDisclaimerCopyright M-Base .

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本文链接: http://www.su-jiao.com/wuxingbiao/show-99737.html

免责声明: 本文 Evoprene™ 047|TPS|AlphaGary 仅代表作者个人观点,中国塑胶原料之家无关。中国塑胶原料之家网所转载的内容,其版权均由原作者和资料提供方所拥有!如因作品版权问题需要处理,请与我们联络


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