DuPont™ Nomex® 410 Paper, 2 mil Nominal Thickness

DuPont™ Nomex® 410 Paper, 2 mil Nominal Thickness 物性表: DuPont™ Nomex® 410 Paper, 2 mil Nominal Thickness物性表及特性介绍,DuPont™ Nomex® 410 Paper, 2 mil Nominal Thickness注塑参数详情,如需DuPont™ Nomex® 410 Paper, 2 mil Nominal Thickness下载, 可到相关下载区下载
  • 密度 [g/cm3]: 0.72
Physical PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Bulk Density 0.720 g/cc0.0260 lb/in³
Density 0.720 g/cc0.0260 lb/in³
Thickness 50.8 microns2.00 milNominal
 55.9 microns2.20 milTypical; ASTM D374
Mechanical PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Film Elongation at Break, MD 9.0 %9.0 %ASTM D828
Film Elongation at Break, TD 6.0 %6.0 %ASTM D828
Tear Strength, Total 6.00 N1.35 lb (f)Initial in TD; ASTM D1004
 11.0 N2.47 lb (f)Initial in MD; ASTM D1004
Elmendorf Tear Strength, MD 1.46 g/micron37.0 g/milCalculated from mfr's report of 0.8 N per TAPPI-414 and the typical thickness
Elmendorf Tear Strength, TD 2.91 g/micron74.0 g/milCalculated from mfr's report of 1.6 N per TAPPI-414 and the typical thickness
Film Tensile Strength at Break, MD 69.8 MPa10100 psiCalculated from mfr's report of 39 N/cm per ASTM D828 and the typical thickness
Film Tensile Strength at Break, TD 32.2 MPa4670 psiCalculated from mfr's report of 18 N/cm per ASTM D828 and the typical thickness
Electrical PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Volume Resistivity 2.00e+16 ohm-cm2.00e+16 ohm-cm50% RH; tested on 10 mil thickness sample; ASTM D257
Surface Resistivity per Square 2.00e+16 ohm2.00e+16 ohmtested on 10 mil thickness sample; ASTM D257
Dielectric Constant 1.6
@Frequency 60 Hz
@Frequency 60 Hz
Dielectric Strength 17.0 kV/mm432 kV/inAC Rapid Rise; ASTM D149
 39.0 kV/mm991 kV/inFull-wave Impulse; ASTM D3426
Dissipation Factor 0.0040
@Frequency 60 Hz
@Frequency 60 Hz
Thermal PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Thermal Conductivity 0.103 W/m-K
@Temperature 150 °C
0.715 BTU-in/hr-ft²-°F
@Temperature 302 °F
Maximum Service Temperature, Air 220 °C428 °F220°C insulation by UL, the US Navy, and other tests
Oxygen Index 27 - 32 %27 - 32 %Range at RT for Type 410; depends on thickness and density
Shrinkage, MD 2.2 %2.2 %at 300°C
Shrinkage, TD 0.10 %0.10 %at 300°C

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