TSE Industries Millathane® HT High Temperature-Resistant Millable Polyester Polyurethane with TP-759

TSE Industries Millathane® HT High Temperature-Resistant Millable Polyester Polyurethane with TP-759 物性表: TSE Industries Millathane® HT High Temperature-Resistant Millable Polyester Polyurethane with TP-759物性表及特性介绍,TSE Industries Millathane® HT High Temperature-Resistant Millable Polyester Polyurethane with TP-759注塑参数详情,如需TSE Industries Millathane® HT High Temperature-Resistant Millable Polyester Polyurethane with TP-759下载, 可到相关下载区下载
  • 拉伸强度 [MPa]: 24.21
  • 脆化温度 [℃]: -60.0
Mechanical PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Hardness, Shore A 5151
Tensile Strength, Yield 24.21 MPa3511 psi
Elongation at Yield 573 %573 %
100% Modulus 0.00150 GPa0.218 ksi
200% Modulus 0.00382 GPa0.554 ksi
300% Modulus 0.007743 GPa1.123 ksi
Tear Strength 35.5 kN/m203 pliDie C
Thermal PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Brittleness Temperature -60.0 °C-76.0 °F
Processing PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Cure Time 25.0 min
@Temperature 154 °C
0.417 hour
@Temperature 310 °F

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本文链接: http://www.su-jiao.com/yuanliaoku/show-37322.html

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