Ultramid® 1603-2 NF2004|PA66-GF43|BASF

Ultramid® 1603-2 NF2004|PA66-GF43|BASF 物性表: Ultramid® 1603-2 NF2004|PA66-GF43|BASF物性表及特性介绍,Ultramid® 1603-2 NF2004|PA66-GF43|BASF注塑参数详情,如需Ultramid® 1603-2 NF2004|PA66-GF43|BASF下载, 可到相关下载区下载

Product TextsUltramid® 1603-2 NF2004 is a 43% glass reinforced, heat stabilized injection molding PA6/6 with the highest level of glass reinforcement for maximum strength and stiffness.
机械性能(机械性能(Mechanical properties))dry / cond单位(Unit)测试标准(Test Standard)
拉伸模量(Tensile Modulus)13800 / 11000MPaISO 527-1/-2
破坏时应变(Stress at break)235 / 167MPaISO 527-1/-2
破坏时应变(Strain at break)3 / 4%ISO 527-1/-2
简支梁冲击强度(Charpy impact strength) (+23°C)100 / 100kJ/m²ISO 179/1eU
简支梁冲击强度(Charpy impact strength) (-30°C)80 / 87kJ/m²ISO 179/1eU
简支梁缺口冲击强度(Charpy notched impact strength) (+23°C)16 / 18kJ/m²ISO 179/1eA
简支梁缺口冲击强度(Charpy notched impact strength) (-30°C)14 / 15kJ/m²ISO 179/1eA
热性能(热性能(Thermal properties))dry / cond单位(Unit)测试标准(Test Standard)
熔化温度(熔化温度(Melting temperature)) (10°C/min)257 / *°CISO 11357-1/-3
温度负荷变形(Temp. of deflection under load) (1.80 MPa)256 / *°CISO 75-1/-2
温度负荷变形(Temp. of deflection under load) (0.45 MPa)264 / *°CISO 75-1/-2
其他属性(Other properties)dry / cond单位(Unit)测试标准(Test Standard)
吸水率(Water absorption)4.8 / *%Sim. to ISO 62
吸湿性(Humidity absorption)1.4 / *%Sim. to ISO 62
密度(Density)1500 / -kg/m³ISO 1183
Diagrams PA66 materials are hygroscopic and will become degraded by excessive moisture during the injection molding process. For unopened bag/box, dry at 140F (60°C) for 1-2 hours. For material exposed to the atmosphere, if additional drying is needed, dry at 150F (66°C) or until the moisture level is between 0.04 - 0.20%.35 MPa (0 - 50 psi) Pac It should be applied and maintained until the gate area is completely frozen off.DisclaimerCopyright M-Base .

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