ACC QM 270 QSI Quantum Silicones 70 Durometer Addition Cure Moldmaking Material

ACC QM 270 QSI Quantum Silicones 70 Durometer Addition Cure Moldmaking Material 物性表: ACC QM 270 QSI Quantum Silicones 70 Durometer Addition Cure Moldmaking Material物性表及特性介绍,ACC QM 270 QSI Quantum Silicones 70 Durometer Addition Cure Moldmaking Material注塑参数详情,如需ACC QM 270 QSI Quantum Silicones 70 Durometer Addition Cure Moldmaking Material下载, 可到相关下载区下载
  • 拉伸强度 [MPa]: 6.9
Physical PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Specific Gravity 1.01 g/cc1.01 g/ccUncatalyzed, QM 270B
 1.33 g/cc1.33 g/ccBase
Viscosity 500 cP500 cPUncatalyzed, QM 270B
 50000 cP50000 cPcatalyzed with QM 270B
 75000 cP75000 cPBase
Linear Mold Shrinkage <= 0.0010 cm/cm<= 0.0010 in/incured 72 hrs @ RT
Storage Temperature <= 38.0 °C<= 100 °F12 months
Mechanical PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Hardness, Shore A 7575cured 72 hrs @ RT
Tensile Strength, Yield 6.90 MPa1000 psicured 72 hrs @ RT
Elongation at Break 110 %110 %cured 72 hrs @ RT
Tear Strength 17.5 kN/m100 plicured 72 hrs @ RT
Thermal PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Maximum Service Temperature, Air 204 °C399 °F
Minimum Service Temperature, Air -55.0 °C-67.0 °F
Processing PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Dry Time 8 - 12 hour8 - 12 hourDemold time, catalyzed with QM 270B
Descriptive Properties
 Beige catalyzed with QM 270B
 ClearUncatalyzed, QM 270B
Work Life70 minsUncatalyzed, QM 270B

转载请注明: 转自中国塑胶原料之家


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