Indorama Ventures Mexico Polyclear™ Splash 3301 PET Resin

Indorama Ventures Mexico Polyclear™ Splash 3301 PET Resin 物性表: Indorama Ventures Mexico Polyclear™ Splash 3301 PET Resin物性表及特性介绍,Indorama Ventures Mexico Polyclear™ Splash 3301 PET Resin注塑参数详情,如需Indorama Ventures Mexico Polyclear™ Splash 3301 PET Resin下载, 可到相关下载区下载
  • 密度 [g/cm3]: 1.394
  • 透光率 [%]: 90.0
Physical PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Density >= 1.394 g/cc>= 0.05036 lb/in³Limit; M2E-71-043
 1.398 g/cc0.05051 lb/in³Target; M2E-71-043
Apparent Bulk Density 0.900 g/cc0.0325 lb/in³Target; M2E-72-015
 0.850 - 0.950 g/cc0.0307 - 0.0343 lb/in³Limit; M2E-72-015
Viscosity Measurement 0.740.74Target; M2E-75-011
 0.72 - 0.760.72 - 0.76Limits; M2E-75-011
Crystallinity >= 50 %>= 50 %Limit; M2E-71-043
 53 %53 %Target; M2E-71-043
Chemical PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Acetaldehyde <= 0.100 ppm<= 0.100 ppmLimit; M2E-75-007
 0.600 ppm0.600 ppmTarget; M2E-75-007
Thermal PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Melting Point <= 248 °C<= 478 °FM2E-73-002
Optical PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Transmission, Visible 90.0 %90.0 %clear; thickness not quantified
Processing PropertiesMetricEnglishComments
Moisture Content 0.15 %0.15 %Target; M2E-72-010
 <= 0.30 %<= 0.30 %Limit; M2E-72-010
Descriptive Properties
Chip Size65 to 95 No/gLimits, M2E-75-004
 80 No/gTarget, M2E-75-004
Color, CIE-2.0 (b)Target, M2E-75-002
 -3.25 to -0.75 (b)Limits, M2E-75-002
Fines< 0.05%M2E-76-033
ProcessBlow Molding
 Injection Molding
Yellow Chips< 9 No/125gM2E-75-014

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